About Me

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Riverside, CA, United States
I'm 22 and %100 me.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

What's your pace?

I have given particular thought to my overall quality of life, regarding school, work, relationships and living situation.  It is interesting that we are taught to time management as necessary for for success in these categories.  But, I pose this question, what is success?  Everybody measures their success differently but we all seem to get placed under an umbrella definition of success.  Our previous educators incorporate success with a big house and wealth, but at what cost.  
As my education as progressed, I have given great thought regarding my quality of life. I find myself caught in the rat race centered around capitalistic ideas of 'gain' and the pursuit of more.  Often times I overlook the simple or small things in life.  These are the things that make life worth living. Regardless of hardships, nothing in life can replace the things that offer intrinsic gratification.  This is important as I search for what truly makes me happy.  
I pride myself in not getting wrapped up in the bigger picture.  Its the small things that make the bigger picture possible.   

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Why INDIA.. ? pt.1

I think to understand what you are truly good at in life, you must educate yourself. Whether it: informal, institutionalized, Gifted and Talented, special or vocational. Education encompasses all of these facets, but to understand you have to look at the pedagogy that allows you to 'know what you know.' Everyone has a culture, system or class that ultimately dictates how they receive and interpret pedagogy. I want to research and observe a variety of educational settings to better understand the various types of pedagogy and how to apply them in different environments. The opportunity to go to India to observe and interact with students of a different cultural background and study the pedagogy used, would be a once in a life time experience. It would aid to my admittance into graduate school where I will study early childhood education. More so, I would gain a world of insight and life long knowledge on my pursuit of higher education. While we for the most part cannot help the situation we are placed into, everyone deserves an equal opportunity to know what they are good at. Some students learn better in particular settings outside of a classroom, others require interpersonal interactions. I would consider my pedagogy heavily rooted in Eurocentric ideals. I attended very diverse schools and was privileged to be in the GATE program. It allowed me to study with a variety of people and experience many cultures. I understand the pursuit of higher education is a life long path, filled with growth and various encounters with a wide variety of people that are ultimately after the same goal.

Monday, November 15, 2010


Definitely excited and grateful for the opportunity to intern for CLP.  Can't wait to learn, observe, educate and preach to the masses.  This is only the beginning.

hmm.. where should i begin?

I'm new to blogging and sharing my thoughts with people in this forum.  But I think it'll be beneficial to write my thoughts, while utilizing modern technology:)